Aluminium Windows Deal

Aluminium Windows Deal

Transform the look and appearance of your Deal home with our range of bespoke and high quality aluminium windows. Our windows are crafted using high grade aluminium and state of the art manufacturing techniques, so you can feel confident you are investing in the very best double glazing for your home improvement project.

All our aluminium profiles are designed to be visually appealing, high performance and long lasting. When you choose our aluminium windows, you can improve the security and thermal efficiency of your Deal property.

Aluminium is a robust and durable material, which is why they make the ideal windows. We tailor all our aluminium windows to your specifications and personal preferences. Use our online quoting engine to get a bespoke price today or get in touch for more information about our double glazing installations.



Our range of aluminium windows are sturdy and long lasting. Aluminium is inherently adaptable and durable, it won’t rust or warp and is resistant to corrosion. These windows can handle whatever life throws at it, including adverse weather conditions and determined intruders. The colour you chose is imbued into the framework, making it resistant to scratches.


All our aluminium windows are adapted to your personal preferences and architectural needs. We offer a broad array of RAL colours, ensuring your new installation seamlessly fits into your Deal home. We also offer glazing options for enhanced privacy including frosted glass, square leaded, diamond leaded and many more.


If you are concerned about the eco credentials of your new windows, our aluminium profiles are recyclable. Once these long lasting installations come to the end of their long life, they will not end up in landfill but instead can be reused. Thanks to the high quality aluminium used, these windows will have no negative impact on the world.

Aluminium Windows near me

Bay Aluminium Windows

Our market leading bay windows are secure, thermally efficient and environmentally friendly. These aluminium windows offer outstanding Window Energy Ratings and are Kitemark-approved. Enjoy a consistently comfortable home all year round with these windows. Because your Deal property will stay better insulated, you may rely less on your central heating.  This could lead to lower heating bills in the winter months. Another benefit of our aluminium bay windows is that they can help minimise external noise disruption the peace of your home due to their market leading levels of acoustic insulation.

Ovolo Aluminium Windows

Aluminum window profiles from Ovolo will give your Deal property an elegantly classic finish. The quality ventilation feature are seamlessly embedded into the conventional shape of the frame. Ovolo profiles are crafted using a multi-point Espagnolette locking system, enhancing the safety of your home. This aluminium windows also features a projecting side and top hanging vents alongside trickle and night ventilation. We also offer child safety locks, helping protect the fingers of your little ones.

Chamfered Aluminium Windows

Our chamfered aluminium windows are a more traditional installation for homes in your local area. Despite their classic look, these windows are fabricated using modern, durable aluminium. These windows are available in a selection of configurations, alongside trickle and night ventilation features. The Chamfered design can have a hanging vent or a side vent and additional child friendly safety measures for your peace of mind.


Aluminium Window Benefits

Our aluminium windows come with a broad array of benefits, making them a fantastic investment for any home in your local area. Aluminium is inherently robust and versatile. Our aluminium windows are low maintenance, long lasting and can protect your space from whatever life throws at it.

A Brighter Living Space

Aluminium is so sturdy it can handle expansive panes of glazing, even with slim profiles. Flood any space in your home with natural light, creating a cosy and welcoming atmosphere. When installed into a smaller room, they can give it the illusion of being bigger and more spacious as our windows will brighten up the space.

Aluminium Windows Deal
Aluminium Windows Prices, Deal

5-Star Installation

Here at SecureStyle, we have over five decades of experience helping transform the way homes look and perform. We use our experience, knowledge and skills gained to help customers with modern and traditional properties alike. We will be on hand throughout the process to help you get the best installation for your double glazing project.

Aluminium Window Prices, Deal

Use our online quoting engine to get a bespoke price on your new aluminium window installation project. This free costing tool simple to use across all devices and will provide costs that are unique to your specifications and property.

If you are interested to get more information or have a question, call us directly on 01227 779372 or use our online contact form to send us an email. We will be happy to help!


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